Keeping our bodies healthy and performing well seems to get more complicated all the time. New research shows that some common foods in our diets will irritate our gut and make us feel bad. There are foods that are especially good for our guts or stomachs.
Even though we may be unwilling to completely give up sugars or fried foods, we can cut them down and replace them with healthier foods.
Should You Take Supplements For Stomach Health?
Sometimes, we just don’t feel good and are tired of stomach problems. We want a fast fix that is safe and effective. So, supplements for gut health might be an answer. Along with taking a good food supplement, a person still needs to explore lifestyle and diet changes to provide a permanent solution to stomach problems.
One helpful supplement is Terrs Origin for support of the stomach and intestinal tract. This supplement comes in nice flavors, including mint, berry, peach, honey lemon, and more.
It contains glucosamine for support of the gastrointestinal tract and L-glutamine, L-alanyl-L-glutamine, antioxidants, and other effective ingredients. This product will help with leaky gut syndrome and gut discomfort of several kinds.
There are food supplements that can help the stomach and digestive system when taken correctly and combined with healthier eating habits and some lifestyle changes, such as quitting smoking and limiting alcohol consumption. A person with these problems should also consult their physician for diet and other medical treatments as required.
What Are the 4 Types of Food That Irritate the Stomach?
The digestive system works with bacteria and microbes in the gut to digest food. The same bacteria might fight unhealthy yeast, bacteria, and microbes in the digestive system. The effect of any food depends on a person’s food sensitivities and complete diet.
Some bad foods include:
- Fried foods are bad because they are harder to digest. Frying them in oils with saturated fats and trans fats makes them worse. They can irritate a person’s stomach causing stomach pain, gas, and diarrhea.
- Foods that contain antibiotics are bad because they may cause antibiotic resistance. This is bad when we get sick and need medications. They may also kill good bacteria in the gut.
- Processed sugars are bad because they cause an imbalance of good and bad bacteria in the stomach. Too much sugar consumption can cause bloating, weight gain, and other health problems.
- Foods with artificial ingredients such as dyes, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and flavors. These ingredients are not food and confuse the good bacteria in our guts. These ingredients cause the good bacteria to store the energy in food as fat, which contributes to the adding of stomach fat that is hard to get rid of. These artificial additives can cause other health problems.
But, if you have been eating too many of these bad foods, you can repair part of the damage by loading up on nutritious and natural foods. These foods play a part in healing the gut. Homemade bone broth can contain collagen to help heal the stomach lining. Next, eat a larger amount of vegetables for the roughage and the nutrients they contain to help your stomach.
Some foods contain a lot of prebiotics and they nourish the gut or stomach and help it heal. These foods include asparagus, apples, oats, legumes, and bananas. Fermented foods may also be helpful as things such as sauerkraut will help the body absorb minerals, vitamins, and nutrients in the additional foods you eat.
Some Foods are Both Good and Bad
Food from animals, such as meat, dairy, eggs, and fish, has many health benefits. Protein is one nutrient that is very good. But a diet that is too high in animal protein can be unhealthy. A person needs to eat a balanced diet with the right proportions of plant and animal foods.
Why is Gut Health Important?
The health of the stomach or gut can affect every part of the body. There must be a healthy colony of organisms to help digest and use food nutrients. When healthy bacteria are out of balance, trouble comes, and when certain organisms get out of control, infections can result.
Gut health affects many parts of the body including:
- Mental health such as depression or anxiety
- Inflammation
- Liver health
- Obesity
- Diabetes
- Metabolic syndrome
Prebiotic Foods To Help the Gut
Some foods are prebiotic in nature and are a kind of fiber that is good for the gut. They include:
- Garlic and onions
- Wheat, oats, and soybeans
- Asparagus
- Artichokes
- Leeks
Add Probiotic Foods to Add Healthy Bacteria
Probiotic foods contain live, healthy bacteria and include:
- Cultured yogurt
- Cultured cottage cheese and other milk foods with bacteria cultures
- Fermented foods like kimchi, tempeh, miso, and sauerkraut
No single food or supplement is the key to good gut health. It takes a healthy balanced diet of good foods. Talking to a dietician or family doctor about changing to a healthier diet can be a good start to improving your gut health.
There are unhealthy habits such as drinking too much alcohol and smoking that affect our overall health as well as our gut health. We need to also make an effort to drink plenty of healthy fluids and get enough sleep. Exercise is another element of a healthy body.
Starting a good exercise program will give you more energy and help you digest your food better. People with sedentary lives tend to gain weight and have more trouble digesting food. Moving around helps our bodies use the nutrients we eat.
Try to substitute healthier snacks for processed sugars, salts, and fats found in chips, candy, or sweetened drinks. When you eat raw nuts, vegetables, or fruit instead of chips or candy, you help your stomach and whole body feel better and be healthier. Another way to improve gut health is to get rid of or learn to deal with stress. Too much stress can affect every aspect of our lives including digesting foods.
So, for a healthier gut and a healthier body, live a healthier life with plenty of exercise, a balanced diet, and a better lifestyle.
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