Are you tired of cooking? If so, you’re among the large majority of us right now.
Since dining in at a restaurant hasn’t been an option, more of us are spending time in the kitchen. And while that’s a good thing for our waistlines (apart from snacking), it can get to feel a bit like a repeat.
So it’s a good idea to switch things up and have a little fun in the kitchen while you’re cooking for the family.
Here are some tips to liven up your dinner prep.
Get A Meal-Prep Service
When you don’t have to think about what to make each night, cooking becomes a bit more fun. You’ll have the exact ingredients you need at your fingertips and can pretend you’re a contestant on your favorite cooking competition. And this is something people don’t discuss often, but it can be a blessing to not have to deal with leftovers.
Experiment With Ingredients
When you’re cooking for an entire family, it can be scary to try new ingredients. But that’s exactly how everyone’s palate is going to expand. If you only cook the things people know they like, everyone may be missing out on some good ingredients.
And aside from the overall benefit to the fam, it’s fun to work with new ingredients. The more you learn, the more confidence you’ll feel in the kitchen. And when you’re confident, you’ll have more fun.
Invite The Family To Help
It’s true that you don’t want too many cooks in the kitchen, but maybe you can designate one night a week for each person to help you with dinner. It’s great bonding time, kind of like cooking group therapy. And these are the memories your kids will take with them for a lifetime. Especially if you have multiple kids, this can be very impactful.
Most parents of three or more children feel like they struggle to give each child one-on-one time, but this is one way to do it without having to carve out extra time in your day.
Liven It Up With Music
Who said you can’t blast your favorite music and rock out while you’re dinner prepping? If it’s the kids, you definitely don’t have to listen to them. Actually, you probably don’t have to listen to anyone who is lounging on the couch instead of helping you with dinner. And the more fun you have preparing dinner, the tastier it will be (probably).
Try New Recipes
One of the reasons why cooking gets so boring is because we all tend to rely too heavily on our go-to recipes. If you find you’re feeling bored, try adding a new recipe to the mix every week. YouTube is a great resource for all kinds of recipes, and for some reason, watching is a form of motivation.
There’s no doubt that cooking dinner can become monotonous over time, but with some fresh recipes, fresh ingredients and a little help from your loved ones, it can actually be a lot of fun.
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